
Collaborative Law Part II: When Is It Right For You?

Collaborative Law, as discussed in Part 1 of our series, is an approach for resolving a legal dispute without court litigation. It is one of several different types of alternative dispute resolution processes. It is the one approach that gives control of the process to the parties in the dispute.

How does the Collaborative Law Process work?

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Collaborative Law Part I: Regaining Control

What is Collaborative Law?

Collaborative Law is a way to approach the resolution of a legal dispute without litigating through the court system. It is one of several different types of alternative dispute resolution processes. It is the one approach that gives control of the process to the parties in the dispute. Read more

Car Speedometer

Penalties for DWI or DUI in Maryland

If you are arrested for impaired driving, also called DWI or DUI in Maryland, you may face sanctions and penalties. If you are convicted of an impaired driving offense, you will face immediate administrative sanctions. You may also face additional criminal penalties and license sanctions. It is important to have an experienced lawyer represent you to defend you or to mitigate the potential punishment. Read more

Vote written in chalk

Your Voting Rights: 4 Common Questions

Here are the answers to 4 common questions you may have about your voting rights.


Every employer in the State shall permit any employee who claims to be a registered voter in the State a period not to exceed 2 hours absence from work on Election Day in order to cast a ballot if the employee does not have 2 hours of continuous off-duty during the time that the polls are open. Read more

child in costume with mask and cape

How to Keep Yourself Safe With A Domestic Violence Protection Order

Understanding Domestic Violence

Maryland law defines domestic violence “abuse” as the occurrence of one or more of the following acts between “family or household members”: Read more

Father and child at sunset

Alimony and Child Support in Maryland

Alimony and child support, as well as spousal support, are legal issues that arise in divorce and separation, and child support is also potentially an issue for parents who were never married. There is no such thing as a common law marriage in Maryland. As a consequence, alimony and spousal support are potential issues only for divorcing couples and require the assessment of your rights or potential liability in advance of any separation. Generally, without the parties living separate and apart, alimony and child support are not issues that a Maryland court will entertain. Read more

home at dusk

Marital Property and Divorce in Maryland

Separation and divorce have a profound impact on a family’s financial affairs. At the outset of the dissolution of the marriage  you need to understand the concept of marital property and be prepared to take steps to maximize your ability to ensure that your rights regarding the family’s assets are not compromised and that the assets are available for identification and valuation purposes. Read more

Piggy Bank

How to File Bankruptcy in Maryland

What is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is a debt relief process. Bankruptcy in Maryland follows state code requiring lawyers providing bankruptcy advice to identify themselves as “debt relief agencies.” It is important to note that bankruptcy is not the only process to assist individuals and businesses in the management of difficult financial situations. However, the options outside of bankruptcy are best considered after understanding the impact that a bankruptcy would have on an individual, a married couple or a business’s financial issues. Read more